Master Technician

The master technician will be the most professional and prepared in the MinerLand mining metaverse, will have all the certifications and tools necessary to perform: Maintenance; Repairs and Reconnections.

However, you must be up to date on all the advances generated within the game, by having this distinction, you will have a monthly bonus assigned by MinerLand, which may vary according to the economy of the game, in addition, you can apply for all job requirements and you will always have priority in your assignments.

To complete a Master certification, the player must complete each of the levels mentioned above, have all the work tools and be constantly updated, one of the biggest responsibilities will be the response time, which must be extremely fast to maintain your status.

The master technicians will have staking options, by not collecting the rewards, or leaving part of them, they will have discounts on their home services (Electricity and Internet) and of course, with their income they will be able to access a greater number of items, to modernize, redecorate and even make major changes to your living environment.

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