Estimated time map of the project
Q2 2022:
Initial Project Presentation
Alpha version of the website
Initial illustrations of the project
Search for alliances, seed funds
Illustrative demo with interactions
Q3 2022:
Public and Private Sale of Tokens
Sale of Farms for Minerland
Sale of Mining Equipment
Sale of Technician Packages
Q4 2022:
2nd phase of project development
Staking of Bminer and $MinerCash
Beta version of the website with playable demo
Global event marketing
Beta version of MarketPlace for WEB
Beta version of the game for PC, IOS and Android
Alpha version of the DAO
Q1 2023:
Beta version of the MarketPlace.
Alpha Version of Zones
Alpha version of the mini games
Launch of the game for IOS, PC and Android.
Global Event Marketing, Round 2
Q2 2023:
Tournaments and Competitions
New versions of the game for IOS, PC and Android.
Beta version of the DAO
Last updated